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Vanessa Singenzia


Designer de Produs | UAU

Fondatorul studioului UAU, Vanessa Singenzia, adoptă o abordare intuitivă în designul ceramicii, în care permite intuiției să o ghideze în procesul creativ. În filosofia studioului, forma este mereu considerată ca un precursor al funcționalității. Prin urmare un obiect, poate influența starea fizică și emoțională a celor din jur, aducând cu sine un limbaj senzorial distinct și evocând o diversitate de emoții umane.


UAU Studio embodies an instinctual approach to ceramic design, where the artisan's touch is imbued into every creation. Established in Romania by visionary artist Vanessa Singenzia, the studio's journey through the boundless potential of ceramic materials has culminated in an unmistakable design ethos.

At the heart of UAU's design philosophy lies an unwavering commitment to meticulous craftsmanship. This dedication is woven into the fabric of our process, yielding not only functional pieces but also sculptural and conceptual artworks. Each creation is a testament to the fusion of form and function, where artistry serves utility.

This philosophy has naturally led us to embrace a more intimate and bespoke path. UAU Studio elects to focus solely on limited edition objects, a choice that reflects our desire for a profound connection between the artist, the creation, and its beholder. This intentional approach ensures that every piece retains its uniqueness and allure, becoming a testament to the harmonious marriage of imagination and craftsmanship.