The exhibition "Copenhagen in Common" is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and DAC / Danish Architecture Center, and is presented as part of Romanian Design Week with the support of the Royal Danish Embassy.
Community thinking and citizen involvement are always at the core of Denmark’s architectural success.
Active, well-designed urban spaces that become outdoor living rooms, often serve as the glue that holds a neighbourhood together and makes us feel we belong. But how does architecture frame the way we interact? How can it strengthen our sense of community? And who decides what architecture should look like?
The “Copenhagen in Common” exhibition explores the link between Denmark’s Capital, nowadays also UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture, and its big or small communities: those we are part of, those we form in the city, but also those we’ve lost.
Zoom in on Copenhagen and take a closer look at some of the places that communities commonly refer to as home. Join us in exploring Copenhagen to find out what’s important to you, to me and to us.
The exhibition "Copenhagen in Common" is part of RDW Design Flags.